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Treatment for Kidney Disease

Treatment for kidney disease caused by diabetes focuses both on controlling diabetes (levels of blood sugar) and slowing down the progression of End Stage Renal Disease.  High blood pressure can be particularly damaging to a diabetic’s kidneys, so lowering high blood pressure is critical. Medications used to treat high blood pressure include:
- ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme) inhibitors
- Diuretics
- Calcium channel blockers

It is not clear why ACE inhibitors are particularly effective in slowing the rate of kidney damage in diabetics.

A comprehensive dietary program may be required. The treatment known as intensive management (or glycemic control) has been proven to be very effective in helping to maintain the function of the kidneys of diabetics. Intensive management focuses on keeping the blood sugar levels as normal as possible through a structured diet and exercise plan.

Additional diet changes to treat kidney disease will include monitoring levels of protein and sodium. Since kidney disease varies between individuals, a medical professional should be consulted for an individual diet plan.